Tuesday 6 January 2009

New Team at Andromeda Spaceways

A good friend of mine and fellow science fiction writer, David Kernot, has recently joined the team at Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, as a reviewer and slush pile reader amongst other roles.

David's an up and coming writer best known for his short stories regularly appearing in the e-zine Antipodean SF, and I'm sure we'll see more of his work in the near future. He said he decided to join the Andromeda Spaceways team after being impressed with Issue #37 edited by Tehani Wessely, which amongst other stories included my space opera tale "Terraformer" from my Earth Central series, so that was nice to hear. I'm looking forward to seeing what David does when he gets to edit is own issue of the magazine.

Also joining the team is Felicity Dowker, an new Australian horror writer who in the last six months has made a big impression locally with her output of quality tales.

Both writers are different to what I've seen in the Australian speculative fiction market of late, so hopefully this translates into so really interesting issues of Andromeda Spaceways in the future. Best of luck to them.

Now the big question is, what crew positions will they take up?