Well it's official, Sydney is now my home. Two days and a 1400km drive across three states brought me to my new home in the northern subburbs of Australia's largest and best known city. I've been here over a month now, settled into a very busy job while my wife and daughter settle into a new life at home. The weather is nicer here than Adelaide (yes it is humid, but it's better than weeks on end of 40oC plus heat). It's greener and it rains more. The coffee, public transport and driving is better too.
Sydney is an amazing city, I'd forgotten how impressive it was when the other day my wife, daughter and I caught a train into Circular Quay for an ice-cream, admiring the Opera House, Sydney Harbour, the yachts and the Harbour Bridge while we ate.
Our new house is the nicest place I've ever lived in. It backs onto the beautiful national parks of outer Sydney, so my view from my home office window is of bushland (It is from here that I will be continuing my novel after a long three month break without writing while changing states and jobs).
We have lots of native visitors too at our new home, including cockatoos, lorikeets, kookaburras, rosellas, brush turkeys, galahs, skinks, lizards and brush tail possums, all of which come within a metre or less of us, and a few of the braver ones will feed out of our hands. My daughter naturally loves this. Some photos follow:

Now that I'm settled (or as settled as you can be after a month in a place I haven't lived in since I was two) I'm ready to get back into writing. I've missed typing away at my computer these last three months. Now I'm back, with this view to inspire me.