Unfortunately I won't be appearing at
WorldCon (AussieCon 4), but I will be appearing in two anthologies that will be launched there, and I'm excited about both of them.

"Sweet as Decay" which I co-authored with
David Witteveen, a Lovecraftian style tale blended with spook skullduggery in West Africa, which David and I wrote more than five years ago. It's appearing in
Macabre, A Journey Through Australia's Dark Fear, edited by Marty Young and Angela Challis (Brimstone Press).
The book will explore Australia's dark literature past, present, and future all in one anthology. From the very earliest colonial ghost stories through to grim tales of modern life. There are classic stories from Australia's masters of horror alongside the best of the new era. It looks to be a very comprehensive anthology, with nothing like it every published before.
I really like the cover too. There have been three planned covers to date, but this is the best so far, and I'm glad it is the one Brimstone Press finally settled with.

The second story is "Dream Machine" which I wrote for the Australian version of
Scenes from the Second Storey, edited by Amanda Pillar and Pete Kempshall. For the first time in my career I have the openning story in an anthology. A nasty tale about hell.
Each story in this collection has been inspired by a track from the album,
Scenes from the Second Storey by God Machine, and reflects the emotions and images our authors experienced when they heard ‘their’ song from The God Machine's record. Authors include Kirstyn McDermot, Felicity Dowker, Martin Livings and others.
I won't be at WorldCon, but at least my words will.