"Cthulhu's Dark Cults: Ten Tales of Dark & Secretive Orders edited by David Conyers (Chaosium) is an impressive anthology of original stories about the various cults that H.P. Lovecraft dreamed up. Most of the stories are true to their source yet bring something new to the material. Notable stories by John Sunseri, David Conyers, Cody Goodfellow and David Witteveen."
I also got a nice comment on my collaboration "Sweet as Decay" whcih appeared in Macabre.
"The most powerful originals are by Gary Kemble, Kyla Ward, Stephen M. Irwin, Kirstyn McDermott, Richard Harland, Susan Warlde, and a collaboration by David Witteveen and David Conyers."
Always nice to get a review like this, particularly from one of the most respected editors in the horror field.