Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The Black Seal #4 is coming

Despite my comments in my last post, it seems The Black Seal #4 is on its way, or so says editor and publisher Adam Crossingham in a recent discussion we have. He even informed me some of the articles I wrote way back in 2005 will appear, which I'm currently reviewing now. Here is the press release:

Sixtystone Press have released all current back issues of The Black Seal magazine as PDFs for sale. First published at the turn of the millennium through to 2005, issues 1, 2 and 3 of the "Magazine of Modern Horror Gaming" are now available individually or as a bundle.

Adam Crossingham, Managing Editor, commented that "All sales of The Black Seal #1-3 will go towards facilitating the publication of The Black Seal #4 and The Black Seal's Cthulhu By Arclight".

Now we just have to see if the other UK Cthulhu magazine of that era, The Whisperer, from Severn Valley Press follows suit...Surprised to see The Black Seal in PDF after all this time? So was Sixtystone Press.

Adam went on to say:"After a lengthy absence, a failure to foresee the importance of the PDF market, and a catastrophic hard drive failure The Black Seal is back from the dead and now available in PDF.

The survival of The Black Seal #1 and #2 is remarkable - all the Quark Xpress source files were lost in that catastrophic hard drive failure, but luckily two test PDF files were discovered on a flash drive and brought lovingly back to life."

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